Create the future

Do you take time to think what’s next for your business? Are you able to take a step back from the day to day to look at the bigger picture? It’s a huge part of being brave. Read on for inspiring stories from creatives, tips and the benefits of blue sky thinking.



“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” As creative types it’s easy to see why we love this quote from Abraham Lincoln. It speaks to the dreamer in all of us, using our boundless imagination to see beyond our experience, our present and into the unknown and endless possibility of the future.

From another perspective it’s not just about dreaming or even ‘being creative’. It’s about taking control of your future and wielding intentions to bring your own desired outcome. You can influence your future if you have clear goals. In short, it’s about taking the reins on your time and making it happen.


"Understanding the why of your business is easy. It's the wind in your sails." – David Hieatt, Co-founder of Hiut Denim Co and the author of our book of the month is no stranger to making things happen.

Do Purpose – Why brands with a purpose do better and matter more reminds us all that purpose is a powerful thing. You can love a product but what you’ll love more is a business that is making a positive impact on the world. In turn that business uses their purpose to define everything from how they tell their story to how they build their team. By having a strong a purpose, you’ll also have a clear vision. Today will look after itself, but what about tomorrow?

David recently shared a little insight into how he visualises his company’s future.

“B: Brand Magazine… do deep dives into great brands. This one has Hiut Denim on the front cover. Except, it hasn’t happened. Yet. I got it mocked up and framed. The problem with business is we live too much in the ‘today.’ And don’t dream enough about tomorrow. The posters on our wall remind us of what is possible. Daily.”

Ideas really can change everything; they inspire your audience and your team. We’ll keep our eye out for future covers of B: Brand Magazine with Hiut Denim on the cover.


Like Abe said, the best way to predict the future… and the best way to create it is to visualise it. Here’s something you can try. Set aside a bit of time to create a vision board. Think of it as a mood board for your future.



  • Decide the focus of your board – it can be a specific goal or comprise a set timeframe –

  • Use images and words to bring it to life so that it can constantly motivate and inspire you.

  • Piece it together either physically on a page or digitally – seeing it all come together and interacting with each part brings it to life more.  

  • Be proud and put it on display, somewhere you’ll see it every day – by your desk, where you make your coffee, you decide. It should act as your own personal purpose.

Visit our Brave Hub where we’ll share more fantastic book recommendations like this one, top tips for your brain and more.



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