Imagination will take you everywhere

We love this quote from Albert Einstein: Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere. It helped inspire our way of life here at Tickety Boo Creative, where we bring logic and imagination together. Imagination is vital to being creative, and helping to form new ideas and concepts, but it’s also energising and motivational – it’s your mind at play.



“The ability to play is critical not only to being happy, but also to sustaining social relationships and being a creative, innovative person.” – Stuart Brown, author of our book of the month, believes that life without play would be a depressing place.


Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the soul is a groundbreaking book on the science of play, and its essential role in fuelling our intelligence and happiness throughout our lives. As we transition to adulthood and enter the reality of modern life, we develop the idea that play is something we only do when we have spare time; that’s it’s not productive. But that shouldn’t be the case, and once people “understand what play does for them, they can learn to bring a sense of excitement and adventure back into their lives”, in order to make work an extension of their play lives.


Play can be extremely productive when used for a purpose, and it forms part of the foundation of our unique approach. We believe in Thoughtful Creativity – bringing the power of logic, imagination and connection to our clients. We’re constantly asking: ‘how do we make this brave and distinctive?’, ‘how do we ensure this is relevant to our audience?’, ‘how do we bring it all to life?’. Imagination is such a key factor, with creative exploration and idea generation needed in order to give a fresh perspective, yet it can be anchored in logic to ensure ideas are relevant and on brief.


Top tips to expand your imagination

Imagination can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, and we’ve got seven tips for how you can boost and nurture yours:


  • Read more – it will open your mind to new experiences, insights and possibilities

  • Keep playing – bring a child-like sense of excitement and adventure into your adult life

  • Be curious – in order to spark your imagination, you should always be asking questions: Why? How? Where?

  • Get creative – seeing something you’ve created take shape can motivate and give you a sense of accomplishment

  • Expand your knowledge and skills – learning new things stimulates your mind and opens possibilities

  • Take a walk – walking invokes a creative, imaginative state and the change of scenery can bring a fresh perspective

  • Daydream – observe the things around you and let your mind wander, you never know what ideas it may lead to


As Gene Wilder sang in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory: “There is no life I know, to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you’ll be free, if you truly wish to be.”


“This book was like a breath of fresh air, giving me the permission that I thought I needed to prioritise play. I find the power of play really unlocks my creativity and need to make more time for it.”

Judy Andrews


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